Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 04:30:19 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #212 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Thu, 30 Jun 94 Volume 94 : Issue 212 Today's Topics: Domain.txt -> Converter DR-1200 9600 mod JNOS 110d Sources JVFAX Version???? Open architecture for HF digital Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 14:35:59 -0500 From:!swrinde!gatech!udel!NewsWatcher! Subject: Domain.txt -> Converter To: Hi, And thanks for reading my post, I have a question.I am wondering if anyone knows if there is some type of program that will convert the domain.txt format into a format ???? I am presently using Net/Mac NOS software which uses the (ip) (call) type scructure and most of the domain.txt files are arranged (call) (ip). My software does not support the file in that manner and it gets kinda tiring doing it by hand ...hehe, so hope someone know's an easier way to convert the domain.txt format. Thanks Keith ... -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Keith J Leite / ARS AA1JF AMPR AX25 aa1jf @ Internet -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jun 94 18:08:36 -0500 From:!!!!f511.n115!f738.n115!f119.n115!f747.n115! Subject: DR-1200 9600 mod To: I'm looking for the 9600 mod for the Alinco DR-1200. Also would like to find someone who has done this mod. Please respond to Thanks! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 10:43:53 From:!! Subject: JNOS 110d Sources To: I lost the paper that I wrote for the location that the JNOS sources are on. (Johann gave it out at SeaPac early in June). Does anybody have a pointer? Thanks. JeffM -- KD1IT/7 ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jun 1994 07:38:16 GMT From:!swrinde!!!!!!!nanette!norton! Subject: JVFAX Version???? To: In David Rutter writes: >What is the current version of JVFAX? I am currently running 6.0 with >a supplement released in around February, 1994. Is this the current >verision or is there a newer one? JVFAX 6.0 release 2/94 is still the current version. As usual DK8JV is working on the next version but it is not finished yet. 73 Django, DL5YEC ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jun 1994 17:44:15 GMT From:!swrinde!!!!!!flop.ENGR.ORST.EDU!!!forrerj@network.ucsd. Subject: Open architecture for HF digital To: Dear fellow digital experimentors, --- THE NEED FOR AN OPEN ARCHITECTURE FOR HF DIGITAL --- It has been suggested by several individuals with interests in modern high speed HF communications that there appears to be a need for high speed networking (many users on a single frequency) as well as an interactive mode(half/full duplex between two users). One may argue that such modes already exists, it is however, evident that "proprietary" or "closed" architectures are increasingly finding its way into digital appliances for the amateur radio market. Personally, I do not see any problem with such developments should they have merits in technical excellence -there still remains a need for participation and innovation by amateurs interested and capable of contributing to this fascinating field. Such participation is only possible through an open exchange of ideas. Your sharing of ideas and experiences would be very valuable. A variety of topics need to be addressed: 1) Modulation schemes: bandwidth, symbol rate, robustness, tuning/synchronization, equalization, scrambling, wave shaping etc. 2) Protocols: ARQ/FEC, coding methods, i.e. block, convolutional, hybrids etc.. 3) Development platforms and implementation issues: DSP hardware and software, host hardware and software. Are there folks that wish to cooperate in such developments? Would this newsgroup be suitable for such discussions - other suggestions that you may have? Please post here or e-mail me directly. Thanks in advance. Johan Forrer KC7WW e-mail: also on CompuServe ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #212 ******************************